Penis enlargement with cream, gel, spray: pros and cons

Penis enlargement cream, spray or gel can change a man's life? Often among the stronger sex there is a share of skepticism when such a question is voiced aloud. In fact, in order to increase the size of the penis, men do not have to opt for surgery or time-consuming, debilitating procedures. Currently, representatives of the courageous half of humanity who plan to enlarge the penis have an unusually wide choice of means to make the male organ even larger.

penis enlargement gel

What are penis enlargement creams

Such funds that increase the size of the male reproductive organ boast a natural composition, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions and other side effects. As a result, such creams have practically no contraindications due to their naturalness. However, one should not write off the individual intolerance of the body, which is more considered an exception.

As for the classification of creams that increase the penis, both in length and in diameter, they are divided into means:

  • short duration;
  • long-term action;
  • with ancillary effect.

The name of each category speaks for itself. The use of the first creams is aimed at eliminating the internal complexes of a man, adding self-confidence, increasing potency, improving blood flow to the penis. They are applied before sex, and the effect itself is observed within two hours. Due to the improved blood flow, the penis becomes larger and harder.

Long-term ointments moisturize the skin of the phallus well, stimulating a persistent erection. The effect of their use can be observed within 4-5 hours. By improving the nutrition of the tissues of the penis and the flow of blood, the male organ becomes longer and wider. Sexual intercourse will be longer, the risks of premature ejaculation are reduced.

Means with an auxiliary effect are recommended to be used in combination with other penis enlargement techniques. Thanks to their use, it is possible to achieve a stable erect state of the penis, greater elasticity of the tissues of the penis. Their warming action based on natural ingredients allows you to get the best results.

Recently, people often come across advertisements for penis enlargement spray. Its natural composition ensures proper nutrition of the cells of the phallus, and unique components allow retaining the moisture necessary for the growth of the male organ in the tissues. Due to foreign substances, the reproductive organ becomes larger. All this happens without painful cell division. Due to its naturalness, substances are excreted from the body without any consequences.

What is the effect of using creams

With regular use of penis enlargement gels, ointments, lotions, etc. the duration of sexual intercourse increases, the risks of premature ejaculation decrease, and the penis itself becomes noticeably harder in case of sexual arousal.

As for the length of the phallus, then, according to reviews, the effect was noticed already in the second week of use. Others claim that the result was visible a month after the first application. It is noted that the use of drugs unique in their natural composition allows you to increase the length of the penis by a couple of centimeters.

Some brag about more impressive successes, but this already depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the use of additional techniques, such as vacuum pumping.

Regular use of special creams contributes to the frequent stretching of the tissues of the penis. Reviews indicate that this effect favorably affects the growth of the male organ, both in length and in thickness. However, before using them, you need to make sure that the natural composition of the drug. A cream, ointment, lotion, spray or gel should be well absorbed, have a pleasant texture, and when applied to the skin of the penis, a man should not experience pain.

Pros and cons of creams, ointments, gels, penis enlargement sprays

The use of the above remedies allows not only to forget about the problem regarding the size of the penis, but also to solve a number of sexual failures, including loss of sensitivity and premature ejaculation. The greatest effect can be achieved if ointments are used in combination with other massage or hardware techniques. As a result, the cream will allow the phallus tissues to recover faster after exercises aimed at stretching them.

Favorably affect the growth of the male organ and improve blood circulation. When choosing a drug, it is important to pay attention to its composition, which should include only natural ingredients. Otherwise, the risk of side effects and reduced effectiveness will increase. After all, it's no secret to anyone that stuffing yourself with chemical additives is not the best idea. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to natural substances.

Pros and cons of creams, sprays, lotions, ointments, gels for penis growth


  • naturalness and naturalness of the components;
  • tissue growth is painless;
  • their use involves spending only a minimal amount of time;
  • the effect is observed within two weeks from the moment of the first application;
  • the possibility of solving a number of sexual problems;


  • the risk of experiencing allergic reactions due to the purchase of a low-quality drug;
  • it may take time to select an effective remedy.